BREAKING: Newest Twitter Released: FBI and DOJ Under Fire

Michael Shellenberger, an independent author, and journalist, released part seven of the Twitter Files on Monday. This installment went over the FBI and DOJ, and the records surrounding how they “discredited factual information about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings.”

Shellenberger has worked as an environmental policy expert, and is the founder of Environmental Progress, a think tank that promotes nuclear energy as a solution to climate change. He is known for his controversial views on environmental issues, particularly his criticism of the environmental movement and his support for nuclear energy. Shellenberger has written several books on environmental topics, including “Apocalypse Never: Why Environmental Alarmism Hurts Us All” and “The New Heretics of France: When the Social Justice Warriors Take on the Environmental Movement.”

In October 2020, a laptop that was owned by Hunter Biden, the son of then-President-elect Joe Biden, was left at a computer sales and repair shop in Delaware. The owner of the repair shop, John Paul (J.P.) Mac Isaac, subsequently turned the laptop over to the FBI. Subsequent reporting and investigation by various media outlets and government agencies have been lackluster since the story broke over two years ago, and the seventh installment of the Twitter Files attempts to prove why a large-scale coverup may have been committed, and why Twitter may have been in the center of it.

The latest Twitter Files installment provides evidence “pointing to an organized effort by representatives of the intelligence community (IC)” writes Shellenberger, adding that the “organized effort” was done in an attempt to “discredit leaked information about Hunter Biden before and after it was published.”

This could point to the reasoning for why the media was largely silent on the Hunter Biden laptop story. Before it could even be verified, it was labeled “Russian disinformation,” and “propaganda,” among other left-wing keywords typically used to discredit information before it had a chance to be verified.

Shellenberger goes on to point that that the FBI was in possession of the laptop since Dec. 2019, when Delaware computer and repair store owner John Paul (J.P.) Mac Isaac notified the FBI about the contents of the laptop left at the store by Hunter Biden. Biden had given the computer to Isaac for a repair following liquid damage, then never came back to retain the laptop.

Isaac stated that the contents of the laptop troubled him, and stated that he didn’t want to end up like Seth Rich, a DNC staffer who was alleged to have been murdered after hacking the DNC’s server. Isaac then contacted the FBI about the contents of the laptop, and subpoena records show that FBI took the laptop from Isaac in 2019.

According to the New York Post, before giving the FBI possession of the laptop, Isaac made a copy of the hard drive, and later gave a copy of the hard drive from the ‘laptop from hell’ to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, who was assisting Donald Trump in his presidential reelection campaign at the time. The hard drive is said to have contained thousands of emails, text messages, pictures, and videos, many of which would go on to be spread throughout the internet showing Hunter Biden in nude pictures, creating homemade sex tapes, and doing drugs alleged to have been crack and cocaine throughout the thousands of photos.

While in Oct. 2020 this was groundbreaking news, the FBI had been sitting on this evidence for nearly a year, and had done nothing about it. Instead, they appear to have been attempting to utilize social media companies to cover up the groundbreaking story as opposed to attempting to prosecute Hunter Biden.

While the FBI and other governmental organizations and media outlets attempted to describe the Hunter Biden laptop story as a “Russian hack-and-leak operation,” Elvis Chan in November along with multiple others would come out to admit “Through our investigations, we did not see any similar competing intrusions to what had happened in 2016,”



The evidence shows that Hunter Biden laptop story that the New York Post broke in Oct. 2020 was not only legitimate and not doctored, but also proves that members of government organizations along with multiple media outlets actively attempted to suppress the story.


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