Trump has Double the Women Donors of any Dem Candidate

President Trump has secured another win. More women have donated to his re-election campaign in the first quarter of 2019 than any other candidate.

According to The Daily Caller:

More women donated to President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign than any of the Democratic 2020 presidential candidates, according to FEC data.

10,375 women have donated to Trump in the first quarter of 2019, more than double the nearest Democratic challenger. California Sen. Kamala Harris had the second highest number of female donors with 3,850.

Trump’s average donation per woman donor is also much lower than his top female opponents. New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand’s average donation was $1,321, and Sen. Harris’s average was $935 per woman respectively, while Trump’s donors average out to $141.

When including all of Trump’s fundraising beyond just the first quarter of 2020, 20,363 women have donated $7,592,966 to the president’s reelection campaign. That means overall, Trump has received more total contributions from women than all of the Democratic candidates combined, although Trump has had more time to fundraise than the Democratic candidates.

President Trump has more women donors in Q1 than the top three Dems combined. Those Dems are Harris, Sanders, and Beto.

The Trump campaigns donations from women in Q1 makes up about 45 percent of his donors, the highest percentage comes from Gillibrand who has 52 percent, female voters.


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