Trump Cabinet Member Gets Disrespected by the Left

Trump’s Director of Housing and Urban Development, Ben Carson, is an incredibly accomplished man. But apparently, that is not enough for Detroit. The Board of Education will hold a meeting to discuss removing his name from one of their school.

According to The Daily Wire:

The Detroit School Board voted Wednesday to open consideration into whether a handful of DPS schools should have their “offensive” names changed — including Benjamin Carson High School of Science and Medicine, named for former presidential candidate, accomplished surgeon, and Housing and Urban Development director, Dr. Ben Carson.

The board will seek comment over the next several months on whether to change Carson High, which was named for Dr. Ben Carson before he became active in politics, and well before he became an ally of President Donald Trump, something the Detroit School Board apparently doesn’t appreciate.

The Detroit News reports that at least one school board member has been campaigning to have Carson stripped of the honor, and that the proposed name change has everything to do with how the Detroit School Board feels about Republicans.

“Board member LaMar Lemmons had pushed to rename Carson school, which is named after the Housing and Urban Development secretary and former Republican presidential candidate who graduated from the district,” the Detroit News said.

The member who is pushing the measure says that Carson’s name was added while the district was under the direction of an emergency financial manager and that decision should now be invalidated.


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