Former Trump Advisor Calls for Firing of Never Trumper


UPDATE: Wasinger has reported that Mr. Hook has been relieved of his duties.

Trump transition team member Rob Wasinger is seeking to clear out “resistance” to President Trump’s policies from inside the government. Where would he start? With Brian Hook, who is a Senior Policy Adviser at the Department of State. 


Wasinger recently mentioned Brian Hook in an interview with Breitbart. Hook, a supporter of Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal who organized NeverTrump efforts in 2016. 

“Before he came to the administration, he founded the [John] Hay [Initiative], which instituted a NeverTrump letter that went out that was signed by a lot of people,” Wasinger noted. “He didn’t sign it, but he’s there pushing these agenda items that are completely at odds with what the president campaigned on and what the president wants to do.”

People like Hook at least are taking up space that should rightly go to supporters of the president, and at worst, are working against their aims behind the scenes, Wasinger contended in the recent interview. The bottom line: the president is poorly served when his key people aren’t on his side, which is why Trump supporters like Wasinger are speaking out. 

RELATED: Trump Insider EXPOSES #NeverTrump Inside The Government


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