DNC SCROOGED By Donors, Borrows Millions

If Democrats were doing as well as Republicans were in 2010, President Trump should mean a gold rush of Democrat fundraising. But the Democrats are, borrowing even more money for campaigns? 

For that Democrat tsunami to swamp the House and Senate, there has to be money behind it. The Democrat National Committee recently borrowed $2 million, prompting questions about whether they can fund their 2018 plans; in February, the RNC beat the DNC by almost-2-1 in overall fundraising.  

DNC Chair Tom Perez tried to spin it, saying Republicans have more large-dollar donors, The RNC called his bluff, and released a graphic demonstrating from Federal Election Commission data that the GOP regularly beats Democrats 2-1 on small dollar donations.

RELATED: DNC Hides Massive Fundraising FAIL, As Trump Speaks


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