Trump Drops New Ad, Liberals Lose Their Minds

In the tree of politics, Liberals are out on the skinny branches. That’s why Sen. Chuck Schumer relented in his attempt to shutdown the government for illegal immigrants; most Americans just weren’t with him on that, and now they know it. They are precariously situated on a limb, and are slowly climbing back, but not before President Trump saws it off. This ad is the saw.
It quotes an illegal immigrant that boasts of his crimes and illustrates EXACTLY why the President is tough on border security. The people pushing elected Democrats onto the limb spent their weekend shrieking into cameras about how terrible the President to publicize what’s plain to see: that illegal immigration is dangerous. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) lashed out on CNN, saying that President Trump’s ad will “foment hatred” and “divide people”. Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said: “The American people are not going to accept the premise that immigrants are criminals and that we ought to deport the DREAMers.”
President Trump is undercutting Democrats in a big way; Americans are a generous and tolerant people, but not of clear dangers to their security. Americans aren’t about to give Democrats a pass for enabling the criminality shown in the ad for a very simple reason: real Americans live with these problems when the Democrats are done, and politicians don’t. President Trump knows this well, and Democrats are still buying the same lessons they failed to learn in 2016.

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