TREASON? Dems Partnered with Terrorist to Take Down Trump

An astonishing report from Chuck Ross at the Daily Caller reveals the Democrats sought out the help, perhaps unwittingly, of a convicted domestic terrorist- in an effort to take down Trump. As Ross reveals:

A former official with the Democratic National Committee has worked in recent months with a convicted domestic terrorist-turned-activist known as the “Speedway Bomber” to gather information on Donald Trump, The Daily Caller has learned.

That work culminated in a Washington, D.C. meeting in December between the ex-DNC operative, Alexandra Chalupa, the convicted bomber, Brett Kimberlin, and a South Africa-born Israeli man named Yoni Ariel.

Ariel, whose real name is Jonathan Schwartz, traveled to Washington, D.C. to brief Chalupa and Kimberlin on his knowledge of Russia’s activities during the campaign.

Chalupa, an activist of Ukrainian heritage who is strongly opposed to Trump, also directed Ariel to the Justice Department, sources told TheDC.

These are shocking allegations, but it wouldn’t be the first time Democrats got cozy with a terrorist. Recall Barack Obama’s close relationship with William Ayers, and his last minute pardon of domestic terrorist Oscar Lopez Rivera. As the Federalist’s Sean Davis has noted:


Prior to Obama, there was Ted Kennedy, who asked the Russians to intervene to prevent the re-election of Ronald Reagan(Democrats hope you’ll forget about that one), and Bernie Sanders, praising the totalitarian government of Cuba for its breadlines. 

All of this is to say: We’re not surprised.


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