Liberal loon Jill Stein’s continuing on her quixotic quest to force a recount in every state imaginable. The Green Party candidate is no doubt being encouraged by Team Clinton,
Few Americans are buying it, and that includes Fox host Chris Wallace. Today, he let Stein have it. As Mediaite reports:
The interview started with Wallace wanting to know why Stein hadn’t requested a recount in New Hampshire even though Hillary Clintoncarried that state by a much more narrow margin than the three states she did request recounts in. Stein explained that it was because the deadline had passed for New Hampshire.
After Stein noted that she would look to expand the recounts to other states if they see a systemic issue regarding machine error and hacking, Wallace asked Stein if she knew the highest number of votes that had been switched via a recount.
When she brought up a situation with Toledo in 2004 where 90,000 votes were erroneously marked blank — she has brought this up before — Wallace explained that officially, the biggest change had been roughly 1200 during the 2000 Florida recount in that year’s presidential election.
‘There’s not a chance in the world here, Dr. Stein, that the vote is going to change in those three states,” Wallace exclaimed, pointing out the margin in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.