Trump To Get Another Supreme Court Pick?

Democrats must be sweating because the talk of Justice Kennedy retiring keeps circulating around Washington, according to The Hill newspaper. That’s bad news for them on multiple levels.

The last time Republicans had the chance to replace a Supreme Court Justice, it fired up the Republican base. Right now, Republicans narrowly control the Senate by one vote, and a conservative justice could have issues being confirmed with Sen. Chuck Schumer, D- N.Y., fighting them all the way. 

Such a move could further fire up Republicans, which have numerous pick-up opportunities in states where President Trump did well in 2016. Aside from making the Supreme Court great again with a conservative justice, this could cause the Democrats to have some serious heartburn.

As of last week, a Fox News Poll showed Democrats leading by only five points in the generic ballot. The last thing Democrats want with President Trump in the White House is for Republican majorities to hold or expand, especially when this was the year of their big comeback. 

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