DeSantis to Dems: Drop Charges, Face Future

July 19, 2023 Trump Train News

In a recent conversation with CNN’s “The Lead” anchor Jake Tapper, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis offered his perspective on the ongoing investigations surrounding former President…

DOJ Turns Trump Hunting into Favorite Pastime

July 19, 2023 Trump Train News

The Biden administration proclaimed that the rule of law had been reinstated after the Justice Department decided to investigate former President Donald Trump in connection…

President Trump Faces Another Indictment

July 18, 2023 Trump Train News

Donald Trump recently announced that he might face a third legal charge tied to the January 6th protest at the U.S. Capitol building. This disclosure…

House GOP Triggers Massive FBI Budget Cuts

July 15, 2023 Trump Train News

House Republicans, concerned about perceived FBI bias against conservatives, advocate for a $1 billion cut in its budget and stronger protections for federal whistleblowers. Despite…