The former CEO of Starbucks and a former presidential hopeful who toyed with the idea of making an independent run for president has now endorsed…
The United States Ambassador to China Terry Branstad is stepping down. The reason? To campaign for President Trump and help him win in 2020. According…
It has been 19 years since the terror attack that devastated the nation and launched changes to the American way of life. Everyone remembers where…
Fox News Host Bret Baier had the Biden Campaign’s Press Secretary TJ Ducklo on Special Report last evening. The interviewed turned contentious quickly as Ducklo…
President Trump jeered at Biden’s admission that NAFTA was “a mistake” during an interview with CNN on Wednesday. At his Michigan rally, the President told…
**UPDATE** The addition of Bahrain to the peace agreement is official. President Trump tweeted the news: **ORIGINAL** President Trump is expected to announce the…
President Trump has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for the second time this week. The nomination is from Swedish Parliament member Magnus Jacobsson…
President Trump flew aboard Air Force One yesterday to host an airport hangar rally in Freeland, Michigan. Trump’s hour and fifteen-minute speech drew an estimated…
A three-judge panel has ruled that President Trump executive order excluding illegal immigrants from being counted for purposes of redistricting violates the law. According to…
Sean McCutcheon, who campaigned for the Libertarian Party's presidential nomination is suing the FEC in a move that could force the billionaire to take back…