This is too good. First Democrats panicked about what would happen if Donald Trump won. They were worried that his failure to accept victory would undermine our democracy. Then Donald Trump won, and they immediately went about trying to undermine our democracy. First he won because of the racist, sexist electoral college. Then it was white supremacists, then fake news. Then loony toon Jill Stein turned over her tinfoil hat and started begging for donations to fund recounts. Some of these never happened, and when they did, they helped Trump. Finally, liberals lost all shame. They began claiming that the racist sexist electoral college was actually meant to stop election results that people in the Acela corridor didn’t like prevent the election of tyrants. The last theory caused thousands of loony liberals to unleash a deluge of email and phone calls on those unfortunate enough to be 2016 electors. It got so bad that there was reason to believe that electors would defect in an effort to deprive Donald Trump of the presidency.
Well today, those electors defected. But it didn’t go as well as liberals planned. See, electors started voting against Hillary:
BREAKING: WA Electoral college presidential results: 8 votes Hillary Clinton, 3 votes Colin Powell, 1 “Faith Spotted Eagle”
— KOMO News (@komonews) December 19, 2016
Just in: Maine elector David Bright voting for @BernieSanders today. #mepolitics
— Michael Shepherd (@mikeshepherdME) December 19, 2016
Democratic elector in Minnesota refused to vote for Hillary and was expelled
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) December 19, 2016
Colorado electors appeal to state Supreme Court to vote against Hillary Clinton
— Jesse Aaron Paul (@JesseAPaul) December 16, 2016
If this were happening to anyone not named Hillary Clinton, we might feel bad about it. This is a nice reminder that sometimes bad people get what they deserve. We’re let our good friend Tim Young sum up our thoughts on the matter:
So far, MORE electors are trying to stray from #Hillary than #Trump. in #Washington, #Colorado, #Minnesota, & #Maine. Vote your conscience!
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) December 19, 2016