The Real Reason Jeff Sessions Met with Russia REVEALED

There’s a reason Jeff Sessions met with Russia, and it wasn’t to meet with Vladimir Putin to suggest signing the country over to him, believe it or not. Turns out, he was sent by President Obama. Because of course. As the Resurgent reports:

We now have the details on Jeff Sessions’ first meeting with the Russian ambassador in 2016. It turns out the Senator spoke to the Russian ambassador on the invitation of the Obama Administration. Fox News reports:

The first came at a conference on “Global Partners in Diplomacy,” where Sessions was the keynote speaker. Sponsored by the U.S. State Department, The Heritage Foundation, and several other organizations, it was held in Cleveland during the Republican National Convention.

The conference was an educational program for ambassadors invited by the Obama State Department to observe the convention. The Obama State Department handled all of the coordination with ambassadors and their staff, of which there were about 100 at the conference.

Apparently, after Sessions finished speaking, a small group of ambassadors—including the Russian ambassador—approached the senator as he left the stage and thanked him for his remarks. That’s the first “meeting.” And it’s hardly an occasion—much less a venue—in when a conspiracy to “interfere” with the November election could be hatched.

As the piece notes, the meeting was set up by Obama State Department officials. Are these the same Obama State Department officials who have been behind every leak out of the Trump White House?

If so, they all need to go, without exception. They’re putting petty political interests ahead of the national security of the United States, and a foolish, anti-Trump press encouraging them by printing pieces with absolutely ludicrous implications. 


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