Trump Already Saves 1,000 Jobs

Per Leah Barkoukis over at Townhall, Donald Trump and co. have just reached a deal that will keep 1,000 Carrier jobs in the state of Indiana:

President-elect Donald Trump seems to already be making good on his campaign promise to work to keep manufacturing jobs in the United States.

His incoming administration and United Technologies (UTX) reached an agreement that will keep roughly 1,000 jobs at Carrier Corporation in Indiana.

Carrier, owned by UTX, had plans to move production from a main factory in Indiana to Mexico, costing nearly 1,400 Hoosiers their jobs.

Under a deal negotiated by Vice President-elect Mike Pence and UTX CEO Greg Hayes, the company will now keep most of those jobs in Indiana, sources close to the matter told CNBC.

This is good news for the people of Indiana, but we hope the Trump administration avoids piecemeal, incentive laden deals like this going forward and favors a broader regulatory reform policy that helps the whole American economy grow. 


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