Trump Nominates Ben Carson to Top Job

Donald Trump has nominated Dr. Ben Carson to be his secretary of Housing and Urban Development. Per Townhall’s Leah Barkoukis:

President-elect Donald Trump has nominated Dr. Ben Carson to serve as secretary of Housing and Urban Development

“I am thrilled to nominate Dr. Ben Carson as our next Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Ben Carson has a brilliant mind and is passionate about strengthening communities and families within those communities,” the president-elect said in a statement. 

“We have talked at length about my urban renewal agenda and our message of economic revival, very much including our inner cities. Ben shares my optimism about the future of our country and is part of ensuring that this is a Presidency representing all Americans. He is a tough competitor and never gives up,” Trump added.

Carson said he believes he can make a “significant contribution particularly by strengthening communities that are most in need.”

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