Congressional Republicans Have a Message for Barack Obama

Barack Obama has come to Capitol Hill today to try and save his signature piece of legislation, a partisan debacle that’s sent the price of healthcare sky high and limited care options for millions of Americans. He’ll make the case to congressional Republicans, but they’re not having it. 

Take Rep Steve Scalise: He’s not interested in a pitch, he’s interested in an apology:

President Obama is on Capitol Hill Wednesday morning for what is likely the last time, trying to save his signature health care legislation. 

“Everything Obama promised about health care has failed,” House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy said, with Vice President-elect Mike Pence by his side. Congress, McCarthy said, is “so thankful” we have a new administration coming that has “the courage to lead.”

Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) said it’s important to remember the first time Obama came to Capitol Hill. He made promises to the American people, promises such as “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” and that health insurance costs would drop for families. As we know now, neither of those promises were kept. 

“I hope he comes here to apologize,” Scalise said. But, he predicted the outgoing president was more concerned about saving his legacy.

We’d like an apology, but it’s important to note that Barack Obama’s spectacular failure is also an opportunity for Republicans to fix the American healthcare system once and for all. Let’s hope they get it right. 


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