GREAT AGAIN: Two Companies Announce Huge New Rust Belt Factory Plans

On Tuesday, green energy manufacturer Tesla announced it had partnered with tech giant Panasonic to produce solar panels in economically-struggling Buffalo, New York.

According to reports, Panasonic plans to invest $256 million, and Tesla plans to bring 1,400 new jobs to Buffalo—including 500 manufacturing jobs. Both companies will continue research and development at their facility in Fremont, California.

Using Panasonic’s solar cell technology, Tesla—most famous for its pricey electric cars—plans to build solar roof tiles, which are expected to start rolling out of the factory in mid-summer 2017.

President-Elect Donald Trump made bringing manufacturing jobs back to the United States—particularly in hard-hit former manufacturing centers like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New York—one of the cornerstones of his campaign.

By contrast, rather than offering solutions, many Democrats have simply claimed that the manufacturing jobs that left the Upper Midwest are gone for good.
Since Trump’s upset win on November 8, he’s been influential already in bringing back much-needed manufacturing jobs to the Midwest. Most notably, he convinced Carrier—an air-conditioning manufacturer that Trump attacked on the campaign trail, after they announced they would relocate jobs to Mexico—to keep as many as a thousand jobs in Indiana.

Trump faces high expectations from the regions that helped him win the White House—but so far, he seems to be ushering in a new golden age of American manufacturing.


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