This week, the March for Life descends on Washington D.C.
This year’s march is more important than any one before. Republicans control the House, the Senate, and the Presidency, and a seat on the Supreme Court sits vacant. It’s important that President Donald Trump understand that millions of Americans support protection for the unborn.
With that in mind, Trump took action this morning that should encourage pro life Americans. As the Daily Caller reports:
President Donald Trump issued an executive order Monday reinstating a Republican policy that would ban U.S. aid to groups that provide or promote the abortions overseas.
Known as the “Mexico City policy” or the “global gag rule,” the measure came one day after the 44th anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court Roe v. Wade case that legalized abortion across the country.
The measure has ping-ponged back and forth into effect and out of effect depending on the party in power at the White House. Since Republican President Ronald Reagan first issued the policy, it was rescinded by two Democratic presidents, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.
House Speaker Paul Ryan praised the executive action, saying in a statement that Trump has already followed through on some of his campaign promises.
This is wonderful news. Although it’s true that a future Democratic president could restore the funding, every day that funding is gone means thousands of innocent children gets to live.