Outraged Liberals Tried to Use Him, But this Refugee Totally Embarrassed Them (VIDEO)

Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration is ruffling a lot of feathers, and with good reason. It’s wildly imperfect, like most rushed big government policies. 

Democrats know this, and they’re doing everything they can to use the incident to score political points. But yesterday, this strategy totally blew up in their face. As Red State’s Jay Caruso notes:

The new policy on refugees is going to take a little time to sort out. The bureaucracy has to catch up with the policy, and unfortunately, since it’s the weekend, it will cause some issues before it is all worked out. But that is precisely why cooler heads need to prevail.

A somewhat humorous moment came out of this when an Iraqi refugee, detained at JFK Airport because of the new policy had a press conference with NY Democrats Nydia Velazquez and Jerry Nadler. Pay close attention to their faces as the man speaks about Donald Trump:

We can’t tell if Nadler is embarrassed, or if his face is just permanently stuck that way. In that moment, Velasquez looks like she’d rather be anywhere else. Caruso has a lesson here that we think is valuable:

Oops. The man appears to be taking it all in stride, considering where he’s from Iraq. The people who are knee-jerking their way to a second Trump term already should take a lesson from this man. Stop automatically freaking out when Trump says or does something and wait to see what happens.


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