Racist White Liberals Attack Conservative Minority Journalist (VIDEO)

Ted Goodman is an Asian American reporter for the Daily Caller. He set out, last night to cover the Rosie O’Donnell protest against Trump. Here’s what happened to him:

Our interviews were going pretty smoothly, until a young man came up to us and asked what news organization we were with. We told him.

Some in the crowd then started chanting, “Shame! Shame! Shame!” and “White nationalist news site!”

TheDCNF reporter Ted Goodman, who was called a “traitor,” replied that he was simply reporting on the event.

This video captures the sad state of modern liberalism over the course of a single minute. Goodman is attacked for simply asking questions in his role as a reporter. Then he’s tarred as a “white supremacist,” even though he’s Asian. Then a white rallygoer asks Goodman how it feels “to burn his fellow comrades,” implying that because Goodman is Asian, he is duty bound to accept the insane ideology of the radical left (that is, a bunch of white trust fund kids with an aversion to showering and working for a living).

We’re happy Goodman escaped unscathed.




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