Sweden used to be a fairly heterogeneous country. Then they decided to open the floodgates to refugees. Those refugees didn’t exactly thank them. As Townhall’s Katie Pavlich notes, the country has an epidemic of Arabic speaking rapists:
As Europe has naively opened its borders and allowed millions of migrants from the Middle East and North Africa to move in without expectation of assimilation to local culture and laws, rape has become an epidemic.
Sweden, which has taken in more Islamic refugees than any other western country in the world, has become the rape capitol of the west. Here are the numbers, compiled by the Gatestone Institute:
In 1975, the Swedish parliament unanimously decided to change the former homogeneous Sweden into a multicultural country. Forty years later the dramatic consequences of this experiment emerge: violent crime has increased by 300%.
If one looks at the number of rapes, however, the increase is even worse. In 1975, 421 rapes were reported to the police; in 2014, it was 6,620. That is an increase of 1,472%.
Check out the video. This is what happens when a liberal, secular culture coddles and fails to proactively assimilate immigrants from backwards, savage, failed cultures.