REPORT: Trump is Making These Sad Sack Bureaucrats Cry

Donald Trump has talked about massive deregulation and frozen hiring at federal agencies.  How are bureaucrats responding? 

Like entitled children:

Environmental Protection Agency employees have not accepted Donald Trump’s victory and are still “coming to work in tears” more than two months after the election.

“At EPA headquarters, the mood remains dark,” ProPublica reported Wednesday. “A longtime career communications employee said in a phone interview Tuesday that more than a few friends were ‘coming to work in tears’ each morning as they grappled with balancing the practical need to keep their jobs with their concerns for the issues they work on.”

Trump’s victory has been tough for bureaucrats. The State Department held stress workshops after the election so they would not “become paralyzed by fear.” EPA employees were caught crying before, just after the election, as were White House aides. Energy Department employees were granted counseling. Sobbing staffers greeted Hillary Clinton on Capitol Hill a month after her loss.

EPA employees are upset that the new president will take a different approach than the Obama administration. ProPublica called Trump’s nomination of Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general who has sued the EPA over its climate change regulations, to lead the agency “dramatic.”

EPA employees didn’t seem so upset when a bungled EPA operation resulted in over one million gallons of mine waste being dumped into the Colorado River.  Perhaps the prospect of learning just how bad the Obama economy is for everyone in the private sector has them on edge. 


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