REPORT: Vulnerable Dems Afraid to Cross Trump

Democratic leadership is promising a filibuster of Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. 

But the rank and file are not falling in line. Democrats with an eye towards 2018 have no interest in a filibuster whatsoever. As Townhall’s Guy Benson notes:

In case you hadn’t noticed, the Democratic Party’s left flank is running around with its hair ablaze, reflexively opposing virtually all things Trump. As is so often the case, they’re escalating partisan tensions by pioneering and expanding new methods of obstructionism, then squealing like stuck pigs when Republicans retaliate in kind. Given the party base’s political blood lust, many Democrats are frantically feeding the beast. But not everyone is on board with this across-the-board, scorched-earth approach. Matt wrote earlier about a new statement from Delaware Senator Chris Coons, who admitted several weeks ago that he suddenly regrets going along with Harry Reid’s ‘nuclear option’ on the filibuster.  Having been burned by his own partisan zeal, Coons has decided not to join the voices in his caucus clamoring for yet another escalation.  He’s not alone.  Three Democrats who are up for re-election in Trump-dominated states next year have announced that they will not join the promised filibuster (see update) attempt against the president’s Supreme Court nominee:


Manchin on SCOTUS: “I’m not going to filibuster anybody.”

— John McCormack (@McCormackJohn) January 31, 2017

We should have a full confirmation hearing process and a vote on ANY nominee for the Supreme Court.

— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) January 31, 2017

Heitkamp (D-ND): Trump SCOTUS pick “absolutely” deserves up-or-down vote.

— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) January 31, 2017

Republicans would do well to remember: Donald Trump changed the map this election. In 2018, 10 Democratic Senators are up for re-election in states Donald Trump won. The three senators above, and several others find themselves in a precarious situation. A failure to at least give Trump’s agenda a fair hearing could lead to lost seats, and even more catastrophic for Democrats, a filibuster proof Republican majority. 

No wonder they’re terrified. Expect a smooth confirmation process. 


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