These Four States are Defying Trump’s Immigration Order

Per Townhall’s Matt Vespa, four states are defying Trump’s new executive order on immigration:

Justin wrote about how Hawaii is filing a lawsuit against President Donald Trump’s latest executive order on immigration and they could have company. New York, Minnesota, Washington, and Oregon are filing injunctions to the new order. Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson, who stopped the first order citing constitutional issues with the travel moratorium, said that he will ask a federal judge to apply the existing injunction to the latest revised executive order from the Trump White House (via Politico):

A group of at least four states are headed to court to block key elements of the new travel ban executive order President Donald Trump signed Monday.

Washington state Attorney General Bob Ferguson said his office is filing a motion asking a federal judge in Seattle to rule that an existing injunction against the travel ban order Trump issued in January applies to parallel portions of Trump’s new directive.


The states of Washington and Minnesota obtained the broadest injunction against Trump’s original order last month. The effort to enforce that order against the new travel ban directive will be joined by the states of New York and Oregon and perhaps others still to come, Ferguson said.

Say it with me now: This is why Trump won. The appearance, and then the reality, of governments more concerned with courting illegal immigrant voters and laborerrs than protecting the interests of their citizens.

It’s hard to say how the courts will react to this, but if Team Trump has retailored this immigration ban in a narrow manner, and if they can manage the PR and not refer to it as a Muslim ban every five seconds in the news(looking at you, Giuliani), they stand a better chance of victory.


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