Top Law Enforcement Official: Trump is Right About Wiretaps

Michael Mukasey, who served as Attorney General under George W. Bush, thinks Donald Trump is right about being wiretapped. As the Hill reports:

Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey on Sunday said that President Trump is likely correct that there was surveillance on Trump Tower for intelligence purposes, but incorrect in accusing former President Barack Obama of ordering the wiretapping.

“I think he’s right in that there was surveillance and that it was conducted at the behest of the attorney general — at the Justice Department,” Mukasey told ABC’s “This Week.” 

Trump on Saturday accused Obama of wiretapping Trump Tower in New York City just before the November election.A spokesman for Obama denied that the former president or the White House ordered any such surveillance.

Mukasey suggests that if someone at Justice had reason to believe someone in the Trump administration had contact with the Russian government, such a wiretap would be likely. 

Former DNI James Clapper yesterday noted that “nothing included in a DNI report of data from the National Security Agency, FBI and CIA about alleged improper contacts between Russia and Trump campaign officials.”

This is going to get more and more interesting. Get your popcorn ready.



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