Trump Adds Top Obamacare Foe to Cabinet

Donald Trump has added another cabinet pick, and President Obama isn’t going to like it:

President-elect Donald Trump says he plans to nominate Georgia Representative Tom Price, an ardent critic of Obamacare, to head the Department of Health and Human Services.

In a statement early Tuesday, Trump called Price “exceptionally qualified to shepherd our commitment to repeal and replace Obamacare and bring affordable and accessible healthcare to every American.”

Trump also named Seema Verma, a health care consultant who designed Indiana’s Medicaid program, as the administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The agency administers Obamacare.

One of Price’s top priorities as health secretary will be to dismantle the sweeping health reform law that his two predecessors spent six years implementing.

This is an excellent choice. Price is a former orthopedic surgeon who’s been heavily involved in GOP efforts to replace Obamacare. A few weeks back, Red State’s Jay Caruso wrote about the possibility of a Price selection:

Representative Price also introduced a replacement for Obamacare (contrary to the myths of the press who continue to repeat the trope Republicans don’t have ideas of their own for replacing The Affordable Care Act). Called ‘The Empowering Patients First Act,’ it’s a comprehensive market-based plan to replace Obamacare. For the legal eagles in the audience, the text of the bill can be found here.  A complete section by section description can be found here.

I reached out to Ellen Carmichael, Price’s former press secretary for comment. She said:

“Dr. Price’s entire life has been dedicated to the service of others, whether in the operating room or on the floor of the House. He’s also an individual of the highest character and deepest intellect. With a combination of practical application as one of the country’s most revered orthopedic surgeons and policy expertise on health care, there is quite possibly no one more qualified in America, no matter the role, to lead the fight to repeal and replace Obamacare.


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