Trump is About to Make These Two Major Appointments

Donald Trump is about to make two major appointments to top posts. 

First, Christine Rousselle from Townhall reports:

President-elect Donald Trump has reportedly picked Rep. Cathy McMorris Rogers as Interior Secretary, multiple sources are reporting.

McMorris-Rodgers will be charged with the management of federal land and natural resources. Her record of defending federal mining and timber industries from encroaching bureaucrats is likely to make her unpopular with Democrats.

Next, Politico reports that Donald Trump is likely to pick Ronna Romney McDaniel to run the RNC:

Ronna Romney McDaniel has emerged as Donald Trump’s likely choice to lead the Republican National Committee, two sources familiar with the president-elect’s decision told POLITICO.

McDaniel, the niece of 2012 presidential nominee Mitt Romney, is currently chair of the Michigan Republican Party. Trump’s decision could be announced as soon as Friday, a transition official said, when he is scheduled to visit Grand Rapids in the course of his post-election “thank you” tour.

Several sources close to the decision-making process, however, said the final decision had not yet been made and it was possible that another top contender could be selected. Talks remain ongoing, with some discussion centering on who would be named co-chair.

The selection of McDaniel, 43, would be a victory for incoming White House chief of staff and outgoing RNC chairman Reince Priebus, who wants to hand over the reins to a fellow committee member.


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