Trump Just Announce YUGE Cuts From This Money Wasting Agency

This is YUGE. Via Newsmax:

President Donald Trump’s administration is looking at cutting more than $6 billion at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), according to The Washington Post.

Preliminary budget information showed that public housing support would be reduced and most federal funds for community development grants — for such actions as meal assistance and cleanup of abandoned properties — would be dropped, The Post reported.

HUD’s budget would decrease by 14 percent to $40.5 billion in the 2018 fiscal year that starts in October. Trump appears to be carrying out a goal to cut domestic spending in order to increase defense spending, according to The Post.

The Community Development Block Grant Program would not receive any of $3 billion that it had been funded, although it has bipartisan congressional support, according to the budget documents.

This is good news. Liberals will likely scream that Trump is taking food and housing away from poor people, but that’s completely absurd. The fact is, HUD is a picture of total government dysfunction. The Department of Housing and Urban Development has been reamed by its own Inspector General for several years worth of shady accounting practices.  Inquiries into HUD dealings also found that many people who receive HUD benefits have incomes far in excess of the required line. 

Donald Trump promised to fight against waste, fraud, and abuse in government. HUD is a great place to start.



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