Trump Responds to UN’s Israel Betrayal

The United Nations was founded as a way for the world to come together and avoid the global destruction caused by the 20th century’s two world wars. It’s since morphed into a country club for Third World leaders who have nothing better to do but criticize legitimate governments they disagree with. And finally, an American president is acknowledging it:

President-elect Donald Trump lashed out at the United Nations on Monday days after the Security Council voted to condemn Israeli settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

Taking to Twitter, he said the U.N. has “such great potential,” but has become “just a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad!”

Trump also gave a stark warning to the U.N. after Friday’s vote, saying “As to the U.N., things will be different after Jan. 20th,” referring to the day he takes office.

The president-elect has taken a more pro-Israel stance since telling the Associated Press in an interview last December that he wanted to be “very neutral” on Israel-Palestinian issues. However, since getting into the thick of his presidential campaign, he has moved toward favoring Israel. He has said the Palestinians have been “taken over” by or are condoning militant groups.

We’re with Trump on this one, and we’re with Israel.


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