What Do Voters Want Trump to Work on First?

Voters eager to see Donald Trump get to work have one thing in mind: Jobs. As Newsmax notes:

Voters want President-elect Donald Trump to focus his inaugural speech on keeping jobs in the U.S. and bringing jobs back from other countries, according to a Politico/Morning Consult Survey.

The poll presented ten priorities for Trump’s administration and asked how important it would be to voters for Trump to mention those topics in his inaugural speech on January 20.

Almost half of those who voted — 49 percent — believe healing the divisions in the country after the divisive election should be a priority in Trump’s speech.

Beyond healing the country, the top vote-getters were:

Keeping manufacturing jobs in the U.S.: 48 percent.
Bringing back jobs from other countries: 47 percent.

It’s important to note that this poll likely skews to the left, but it’s not wrong. Trump won in large part because he was able to energize Rust Belt, traditionally Democratic voters by appealing to their desire to make the “Rust Belt” shine again. 

What do you want Trump to focus on first? Let us know in the comments. 


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