YOOJ News for Donald Trump

It’s official. Donald Trump is our newest president. As Townhall’s Matt Vespa reports:

It’s official. Donald Trump has won the 2016 election after clinching the 270 votes needed to become the 45th president of the United States. The margin of Trump’s Electoral College win, coupled with election laws that bind electors to the winner of the statewide result in some states, made efforts to block Trump a long shot effort. The Left and some anti-Trump Republicans had hoped that enough electors would jump ship, but the Associated Press was able to survey 330 of the 538 electors, noting that Trump had enough to officially clinch the presidency. And that there was virtually zero interest in fomenting an internal rebelling within the college to block the president-elect from assuming his duties as president come January 20.

Another win for Trump, and another devastating loss for Crooked Hillary, who’s now likely to spend her days posing for random photo ops in the woods of Westchester, working on a book, and dancing with Ellen in an attempt to appear semi human. We wish her the worst. 


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