SCREAMING & YELLING: Explosive Fox News Black Lives Matters Interview [VIDEO]

This exchange is too good to miss. From Fox News:

Fox News’ Martha MacCallum and filmmaker Jason Pollock went toe-to-toe on “The First 100 Days” Monday over Pollock’s new documentary about the 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo. and Pollock’s claim that Brown was shot in the head and a bullet came out of his eye. 

This is an unhinged man. 

Look, it’s clear that police abuse in minority communities is a problem. Conservative and libertarian groups have accepted that policing for profit is a big deal in the area. But Mike Brown is a silly hill for liberals to die on. Here’s the footage from that convenience store that figures so prominently:


Did Brown steal something? Maybe, maybe not. But he clearly assaulted the clerk who tried to stop him exiting the store, and threatened more harm when the clerk persisted. This is not how a good, fun loving kid behaves when confronted with evidence he committed a crime. He freaking ragdolled the clerk.

This should be relevant when it comes to assessing what happened between Brown and Darren Wilson. But liberals like Pollock are so blinded by their ideology that they can’t make a rational assessment of the Brown tragedy. That matters. Unhinged hostility never solves anything. 


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