Mcdonald’s TRASHES Trump

McDonald’s is an iconic American brand that’s hit a bit of a rough spot lately. The tweet they sent out this morning isn’t likely to make things any better for them. As the Hill reports:

McDonald’s’ in a tweet on its corporate account called  President Trump “a disgusting excuse of a President” on Thursday morning.

The tweet, which was briefly pinned to the top of the account before being deleted, mocked Trump and called for the return of former President Obama. 

“@realDonaldTrump You are actually a disgusting excuse of a President and we would love to have @BarackObama back, also you have tiny hands,” the tweet read.

Trump was once in a commercial for the fast food giant, and has posted images eating McDonald’s food on his social media accounts during his campaign.

Here’s the offending Tweet, captured by Business Insider’s Oliver Darcy:


Companies that have tangled with Trump have not done so well. Nordstrom dropped Ivanka Trump’s clothing brand, and since then, online sales of Ivanka’s brand have soared.

We’ll see what happens with the declining purveyor of mediocre cheeseburgers. We assume President Trump won’t be cutting any more ads like this for them any time soon:




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