The Three Men Who Stood Up to Obamacare Lite

Via the Washington Post:

The House Budget Committee on Thursday narrowly voted to advance to the House floor a Republican bill to overhaul the Affordable Care Act on a 19-17 vote, as some conservatives registered their opposition.

Three Republicans opposed the motion — Reps. Dave Brat (Va.), Gary Palmer (Ala.) and Mark Sanford (S.C.). — all of them members of the House Freedom Caucus, a group of hard-right lawmakers.

After the vote, the committee continued discussing the measure. Republican members are expected to propose revisions to help smooth the bill’s passage through the House.

This is important. Brat and Sanford were elected in large part on the promise to rectify weak kneed, middle of the road Republican mistakes of the past. Their warning should be heeded. The American people didn’t elect Republicans to repeal and replace Obamacare with something remarkably similar, they elected them to repeal and replace Obamacare with something restores quality and introduces real market based reforms to our healthcare system. If Republicans forget that, they’re likely to find themselves in the minority again very soon. 


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