GOP Congressman & War Hero Got Scammed & Now Democrats are Demonizing Him

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Brian Mast is a hero who literally gave life and limb for his country. It appears the veteran hero was the victim of a scam, and now liberals are using it to impugn his integrity. As the Resurgent reports:

War hero and congressman Brian Mast (R-FL) is being attacked by Democrats for being connected with a company called World Patent Marketing. That company and its owner, Scott Cooper, have been been accused by the Federal Trade Commission “of defrauding thousands of clients in the last few years to the tune of millions of dollars, and then harassing customers who threatened to report the scam.”

The company lists Brian Mast as on its advisory board. There’s just one problem. Mast was added without his consent. The company went so far as to use Mast’s campaign pictures and advertisements in a promotional video without the Congressman’s consent. In fact, if you watch the video prepared by the company you will note that the congressman is never seen talking about or promoting the company. Odd isn’t it? The entire video consists of Mast’s campaign commercial and still pictures with North Korean style propaganda slogans underneath for the company.

If Mast collaborated and participated knowingly, you’d think he would have cut video for the company right? He did not.

It is more likely than not that Congressman Mast was scammed as much as everybody else. In fact, the company’s owner seems to have a history of this sort of thing.

This is not surprising. People take advantage of vets all the time. It’s one of the many challenges they face coming home. 

Barring any sort of real evidence that suggests that Mast knew anything about this, it looks like Democrats are putting politics ahead of people once again, in their shameless pursuit of votes. 


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