Rachel Maddow Thought It Couldn’t Get Any Worse. She Was Wrong…

Rachel Maddow’s ratings are in deep trouble—after her Trump tax return faceplate alienated and angered her liberal audience.

On March 14, Maddow scored the highest ratings of her career—4.15 million viewers—after she announced earlier in the day that she had secured Donald Trump’s long-awaited tax returns.

But despite feverish speculation from liberals on social media all day, Maddow’s “scoop” turned out to be an infamous flop: she had just two pages of Trump’s 2005 tax return.

And, to the chagrin of her far-left audience, it showed that Donald Trump had not only made a fortune in 2005—$153 million in one year—but he had also paid a hefty tax bill: $36.5 million, which worked out to 25% of his annual income. That’s a higher tax rate than both President Barack Obama and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders paid.

The following day, Maddow’s ratings were in a free fall—plummeting a massive 36% overnight. Worse, among 25- to 54-year-olds—the demographic most prized by advertisers—she lost more than half of her audience.

Maddow and her “big scoop” became the butt of jokes—not just from conservatives, but from fellow liberals as well. Stephen Colbert mocked her on the “Late Show,” and Bill O’Reilly couldn’t help himself from getting in some digs at Maddow’s expense.

Even Geraldo Rivera said that Maddow “now has the mantle of ‘Al Capone’s Vault’”—his infamous 1986 special report, where he found himself opening an empty vault on live television.

Based on the ratings, it seems like Maddow’s viewers agree.


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