Here Are The Red State Dems Voting Against Gorsuch

11 Democrat Senators represent states where Donald Trump won against Hillary Clinton. Only three of them, Joe Manchin from West Virginia, Heidi Heitkamp from North Dakota, and Joe Donnelly from Indiana, have promised to vote for the Constitution-loving Judge Gorsuch.

The other eight have pledged to filibuster and vote against the qualified Judge Gorsuch. Most of them are up for reelection in 2018.

  • Bob Casey (Pennsylvania) – 2018
  • Tammy Baldwin (Wisconsin) – 2018
  • Bill Nelson (Florida) – 2018
  • Debbie Stabenow (Michigan) – 2018
  • Gary Peters (Michigan) – 2020
  • Claire McCaskill (Missouri) – 2018
  • Sherrod Brown (Ohio) – 2018
  • Joe Tester (Montana) – 2018

If you live in any of these states, call your senator immediately and let them know that you’ll vote agaisnt them in 2018 and help sweep the Senate for Republicans to Make America Great Again.


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