Illegal Alien Arrested For Heartbreaking Repeated Abuse

A 61-year-old illegal immigrant is going to prison—after raping a young teenage relative more than 50 times.

Pablo Gonzales Sanchez will spend a minimum of 18 years behind bars.

His victim, whose name and age has not been disclosed, has been described as a young teenage girl who is related to Sanchez. She told her mother and other members of her family that she was being sexually abused by Sanchez—but they refused to take action.

Instead, the victim continued to be raped by Sanchez. His victim, at one point, unsuccessfully attempted suicide to escape him.

When the victim became pregnant, however, she claimed the baby was Sanchez’s—and reported her rapes to the police. After DNA tests came back identifying Sanchez as the chid’s father, Sanchez was arrested.

Sanchez entered a guilty plea, and will face sentencing. The victim’s mother, who is also an illegal immigrant, also faced charges to felony sexual abuse—and faces a minimum of five years in jail, after which she’ll face deportation.

Sanchez’s victim and her child are currently in a support facility. The child is healthy, and the mother is currently taking parenting classes.


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