NEWS ALERT: Rare Trump Endorsement Hits Radical Left Hard

In an email to supporters today, Donald Trump Jr. announced that he’s back on the campaign trail today for a Special Election:


I’m back on the campaign trail. Why? Because my friend, Greg Gianforte, needs our immediate help. 

Greg is running in a Special Election in Montana to replace Secretary Ryan Zinke’s seat in Congress. But he’s facing a tough campaign. Nancy Pelosi, career Democrats, and the rest of the radical Left are desperate to defeat him.They are determined to stop my father and the Trump movement – and that starts with defeating Greg Gianforte. 

Greg has been a strong supporter of the Trump Movement – pledging to DRAIN THE SWAMP. I know that Greg will be an ally to my father in Congress, but he can’t get there without our support

Guy, you see, the Left will stop at nothing to discredit my father’s presidency and their first way of achieving that is by defeating Greg Gianforte. They think that if they can defeat Greg Gianforte in less than 50 days, they will send a clear and loud message to America. 

The Liberal Political Machine, along with George Soros-funded special interest groups, are ready to attack. They are prepared to pour millions into this race not only to defeat Greg, but also to sabotage my father’s agenda in Washington.

With such little time until the Special Election in May, we need to act now. 

That’s why I’ve set an aggressive fundraising goal to help Greg. While campaigning alongside him, I’ve set a personal goal of helping him raise an additional $100,000. We have just 72 hours to hit this goal. 

Will you join me in supporting Greg Gianforte for Congress? You can help by sending $10, $25, $50, $100, $1,000 or more today to help Greg win and continue disrupting the Democrats’ attempt to resist the Trump White House’s agenda. 

This Special Election in Montana will be the focus of the Left – so it should be our focus too, Guy.

But you shouldn’t just support Greg because Democrats are desperate to defeat him (just like they were desperate to stop our movement last year). You should support Greg because he’ll bring common sense reform to Washington. 

You can count on Greg to support the same values that elected my father in November. In Congress, Greg will:

Help “drain the swamp” and support the agenda of President Donald Trump;

Fight for our constitutional rights to bear and keep arms;

Protect American energy jobs and stop job-killing regulations from the radical Left;

Fight to protect our borders and strengthen our military, keeping our nation safe from those who want to hurt our way of life. And the list doesn’t end there. We need Greg Gianforte in Congress – but he’ll only win with our support today. 

Follow this secure link to help us reach our goal of raising an additional $100,000 while I’m in Montana with Greg. 

Greg Gianforte needs our help so he can go to Washington and stand with President Donald Trump! 


Donald J. Trump, Jr. 

P.S. I am back on the campaign trail because Greg Gianforte needs our help. He’s up against the Democrat Machine that is desperate to win and prove a point. They see this campaign as their comeback story after my father’s historic win in November. 

If you are still part of the Trump Team – please help Greg Gianforte. We must raise an additional $100,000 in the next 72 hours. Will you chip in? 


If you want to help Greg Gianforte & the Trump agenda, you can click here to pitch in.



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