Liberal’s Trump ‘Resistance’ Fails in Round 1

Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and the rest of the Trump “resistance” did everything in their power to beat the Republicans on Tuesday night.

On Wednesday, American Action News reported that carpetbagging anti-Trump Democrat Jon Ossoff came close to winning a special election contest in Georgia. Ossoff garnered 48% of the vote, but came two points close of capturing the needed 50%.

The liberals poured more than $8 million in out-of-state donations into our Georgia to try to steal our seat with a candidate that doesn’t even live in our district. Many of those donations were from DC elitist liberals and Hollywood leftists, but they still lost, but that’s just the first round of the fight!

Karen Handel, the Republican former Secretary of State placed a solid second and will take on carpetbagging anti-Trumper Jesse Ossof.

Ossof has raised more than $8 million to steal this seat from the Republicans. It remains unclear how much he’ll raise for round two of this fight, but it’s expected to be BIG. This is where nationals Democrats are trying to make their anti-Trump stand.

To combat the swaths of liberal money, Handel is running an emergency money bomb and are asking conservatives across the country to pitch in money during the next 48 hours. You can click here to pitch in $5 or more to those effots.


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