One of Trump’s Biggest Critics Gives Him A Shocking Rating

Congressman Mark Meadows, chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, spoke with Breitbart News about his thoughts on President Trump’s first 100 days in office. (RELATED: Trump Hits Pelosi in Special Endorsement)

Meadows commended the actions of President Trump, grading him an A. He explained, “I think he’s accomplished a lot more than what people in the media allege, and coming from my district, a lot of North Carolina people cheer him for doing what he said what he would do. He’s accomplishing a lot, and he’s not afraid to make mistakes. If I were to give him a rating on his first 100 days, I would give him an A, and that’s even counting a new Supreme Court Justice. He’s signed a number of Congressional Review Acts that would undo significant regulatory schemes. He’s set a historical level of being able to repeal actual rules that affects jobs, especially for those in farming and mining; it’s actual progress. And that’s only the first 100 days. Most Americans believe that it will only get better day after day.”

He went on to say, “He’s put America first and has a strong national security emphasis where most Americans will jump up and say it’s about time. They’re tired of losing their jobs overseas, and they’re tired of being politically correct and accepting refugees, where at times those refugees have the potential of creating real harm in our communities. He’s been bold. And he’s been lauded by millions of Americans who cheer that there’s a man in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue who remembers about the forgotten man. And indeed he’s done that.”

Meadows told Breitbart News that President Trump has a work ethic beyond any measure: “I think for a president that came from a non-political background, he quickly learned how Congress works. I think there’s been a learning curve for the president. Here’s a personal story: I don’t know if I have ever been as impressed with a CEO, or a president, who is getting as involved in negotiating the finer details of national security, health care, the economy, or tax reform, to the extent that he’s been willing to get on the phone at midnight and then the next morning at 6:30 a.m. If the American people understood how engaged this president is, and how engaged he is at making his campaign promises fulfilled, the American people would be nothing short of amazed. He works me to death, and I’m a member of Congress. I cannot imagine how hard he works his staff at the White House.”


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