Sarah Palin Grades First 100 Days of Trump Admin

Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate, looked at the first one hundred days of President Trump’s administration on Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host Alex Marlow.

“I’m extremely pleased, of course, that our new president is in there building the team that he believes he needs in order to fulfill promises to the American electorate, to make America great again, and I’m very, very happy that he’s there,” said Palin.

She said she found the idea of giving a simplistic letter grade to the Trump administration annoying, preferring to say President Trump is doing “very well.”

“Remember, those of you who maybe still aren’t aboard the Trump Train but know that the Trump movement had to be ushered in, in order to get rid of the status quo that was harming America, keep doing your ABCs and remember what that was: it was Anybody but Clinton,” she said. “So stick with your little alphabet analogy there. Those who are asking for a grade of this administration, just keep remembering it could have been Clinton.”


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