Trump’s Short List for FBI Director

The Trump administration’s firing of James Comey leaves a big void. There’s tons of speculation out there as to who his replacement might be. Here’s the list:

Congressman Trey Gowdy: A big fan favorite. Gowdy’s tough, smart, and a no non-sense conservative. Need we say more? Rumors are circulating that he might also be tapped to take over a different HUGE new job. Click here to read more on that.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie: After dropping out of the 2016 GOP Race, Christie endorsed Trump and remained fiercely loyal even during the worst of times. His previous experience as a United States Attorney could prove beneficial.

Sheriff David Clark: Grassroots conservatives are calling on the Milwaukee Sheriff to challenge Senator Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin. As a rule of law guy, he has a track record of being tough on crime & illegal immigration. This straight talking Sheriff would definitely make liberals cry. His chances of getting FBI Director job are slim, but he’s generating a lot of buzz.

Former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani: Rudy was one of the fiercest defenders of Trump on the campaign trail as a key component of the Great America PAC that spent millions to promote and defend the President during his campaign. His record surely indicates he’s tough on crime and his tenure as a United States Associate Attorney General during the Reagan administration would prove valuable.

Former Congressman Mike Rogers: The former Michigan Congressman chaired the House Intelligence committee. In addition to being Meatloaf’s doppleganger, he served as an FBI agent prior to his time in Congress.

In addition to these names, there are some lesser-known folks in the mix. We will provide more coverage as the situation develops.


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