WATCH: Pelosi Makes Embarrassing Revelation At Media Event

Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) has had a series of awkward interactions that give Democrats pause about her ability to lead as Speaker, should Democrats win in November; she just did it again.

Daily Wire reports: 

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi misled a group of reporters during a press briefing on Thursday as she downplayed the current unemployment rate and said what really matters is consumer confidence — something she suggested that only the Democrats’ plan can increase — despite being at an 18-year high. Pelosi’s comment comes after last Friday’s jobs report which showed that the unemployment rate is at 3.8%, the lowest rate in 50 years.

“Well, as I said, unemployment rate is one indication,” Pelosi said. “The fact is, and this has happened before, that people say, ‘Oh my goodness, that people are saying the unemployment rate is down, why isn’t my purchasing power increasing?’

“So, this isn’t just about the unemployment rate, it’s about wages rising in our country, so that consumer confidence is restored,” Pelosi continued. “Because our economy will never fully reach its possibilities unless we increase the consumer confidence and that can only be increased by a better deal, better jobs, better wages, better future, and lowering costs to families — whether its prescription drugs, by really lowering the cost of prescription drugs — and that list goes on.”

Unfortunately for Pelosi, consumer confidence is at an 18-year high.

So, good news: I guess the American economy is doing pretty good. Bad news: Pelosi is so out of it, she doesn’t check her facts first. Either she’s so out of touch that even her staffers can’t prepare her for media events, or she’s losing it. I guess we should be glad that she’s not Speaker anymore, she might try to defund the Iraq war again or something.

RELATED:  [VIDEO] Pelosi Loses It, Becomes Incredibly Flustered


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