Comey IG Report Out. What Does It Mean?

The Inspector General of the Department of Justice, Michael Horowitz, has released a revealing report on the conduct of disgraced former FBI director James Comey. Ben Shapiro at Daily wire breaks it down for us (italicized portions are from the IG report). 

According to Daily Wire

‘While we did not find that these decisions were the result of political bias on Comey’s part, we nevertheless concluded that by departing so clearly and dramatically from FBI and department norms, the decisions negatively impacted the perception of the FBI and the department as fair administrators of justice.’

Horowitz said that Comey had troublingly failed to inform the Department of Justice in advance about his July 5 statement condemning Clinton for carelessness but absolving her of criminal activity. Horowitz said that Comey’s failure to coordinate with the DOJ involved a “troubling lack of any direct, substantive communication” with then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Horowitz added that Comey should have coordinated with Lynch before sending his October 28, 2016 letter to Congress announcing the reopening of the Hillary email investigation based on discoveries on Anthony Weiner’s computer. Horowitz stated:

‘We found it extraordinary that, in advance of two such consequential decisions, the FBI director decided that the best course of conduct was to not speak directly and substantively with the attorney general about how best to navigate those decisions.”

While Horowitz did investigate anti-Trump text messages between FBI agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, he found that there was no “documentary or testimonial evidence that improper considerations, including political bias, directly affected the specific investigative actions we reviewed.” He did state, “The conduct by these employees cast a doubt over the entire FBI investigation.”

It seems that the report took it easy on Comey, given that his investigators gave Hillary Clinton’s people immunity and that the whole thing stinks to high heaven. The IG does blast Comey for not adhering to FBI policy and failing to coordinate with Attorney General Loretta Lynch before his public statements about Hillary Clinton. It claims there were no other political shenanigans, which will give Democrats reason to cite the report as proof that Hillary lost because of Comey; it will prove inadequate for Republicans, who did not have their concerns fully addressed. Therefore, the report didn’t deliver the hammer-blow to Comey that many thought it would, even as Strzok and Page made a mockery of FBI objectivity in politics. 

RELATED:  Charges Coming For James Comey?


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