Rubio Comes To Melania’s Defense

Melania Trump recently visited the border to check on the condition of the detention centers the children were being held at. The media attacked her and the coat she was wearing with writing on the back. Senator Marco Rubio was not happy and launched an attack on the fake news.

According to The Daily Caller:

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio blasted critics of First Lady Melania Trump Friday, following her trip to visit migrant children in Texas, saying “Trump Derangement Syndrome” has become “an epidemic.”

Rubio defended Melania for being “a strong voice of compassion for migrant children” after media and liberal critics have continued to criticize her for wearing a jacket with the words “I really don’t care, do you.”

Melania was boarding a plane to McAllen, Texas, to visit illegal immigrant children when the jacket made its appearance.

“The vicious treatment of her over the last day is a reminder of how Trump Derangement Syndrome, where hatred for him justifies everything, has become an epidemic,” in a tweet. Concluding that there is “Totally lunacy everywhere!!!”


The media has lost their minds. They cannot operate professionally anymore as they work tirelessly to invent or over-hype stories to attack Trump and his supporters.


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