Time Magazine Refuses To Apologize For Misleading Trump Cover

Time magazine recently posted a cover with Trump and a crying little girl who was supposedly ripped from her mother’s arms at the border. This is simply not true. The little girl was never separated from her mother and the mother in question was previously deported from the US in 2013.

You would think that Time, a supposedly reputable news source, would apologize. But they did just the opposite, after acknowledging their mistake, time doubling down on the false claim they were spreading.

According to Town Hall:

Time clarified that the little girl had not been separated from her mother at all.

Despite the magazine’s complete mischaracterization of the photo, they are standing by their cover art.

“The June 12 photograph of the 2-year-old Honduran girl became the most visible symbol of the ongoing immigration debate in America for a reason,” Time’s Editor in Chief Edward Felsenthal said in a statement.

“Under the policy enforced by the administration, prior to its reversal this week, those who crossed the border illegally were criminally prosecuted,” he continued, “which in turn resulted in the separation of children and parents. Our cover and our reporting capture the stakes of this moment.”

So this was a non-apology disguised as an apology. Time wants readers to trust that the facts they report are sound and true. The only problem is, they prove time and time again that facts are not something they deal in.


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