10 Dems That Could Confirm Trump’s SCOTUS Pick

President Trump has put Democrats on their heals with his nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court. Kavanaugh had four Democrats vote for his confirmation to his current post in 2006, another midterm election year. Justice Neil Gorsuch, being nominated in an off year, gave Democrats time to soften the blow of their obstruction, but the Kavanaugh process will occur right before the big midterm election, and there’s no time for Democrat excuses; they have to calculate what this vote will cost them at the ballot box. 
The unhinged left is making this as tough a vote as possible for Democrats, but 10 of them have a problem: the president won their states, and they can’t afford to alienate the same voters who elected Trump. Remember, conservative icon Antonin Scalia was confirmed in the Senate with 98-0; liberal Ruth Bader Ginsburg even got 96 yes votes. President Trump is steering his nominee through the most hyperpartisan waters in the history of nominating Supreme Court Justices; every vote will matter to get past Schumer’s 49 Democrats. We have the 10 listed here, number 9 and 10 are the most surprising of them all. 


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