Trump’s Press Sec. Eviscerates Washington Post Reporter

Holding the first press briefing since President Trump’s trip to Europe, Sarah Sanders had to deal with a lot of questions. Some of them were more insane than others, and she took issue with one in particular.

According to The Daily Wire:

“The president seems to spend more time criticizing his predecessor Barack Obama for [letting Russia interfere in U.S. elections] under his time than Vladimir Putin,” Dawsey said. “Do you have any sense of why the president has not been more critical of Putin for some of these events the entire world stage has really gone after him about?”

“I think the president, as he has said many times before, has been tougher on Russia than anybody,” Sanders fired back. “I think you can see that in all the actions that he’s taken, whether it was a [Russian] plant that was closed due to aluminum and steel tariffs that were put in place by this president.”

“The Treasury Department has issued new sanctions on numerous individuals and entities in Russia,” Sanders continued. “The president has continued sanctions on Russia’s malicious cyber activity. In response to election hacking, we’ve expelled 60 Russian operatives from the United States and closed two consulates.”

“President Trump issued four statements condemning Russia’s poisoning of U.K. citizens on U.K. soil. [Trump] authorized the sale of lethal aid to Ukraine, authorized military strikes against the Assad regime in Syria and has repeatedly called out Russia’s actions exporting energy to our allies in Eastern Europe,” Sanders concluded.

It looks like President Trump is, in fact, tough on Russia. Sanders let this reporter know how ridiculous his question was with cold hard facts.


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