Fox Host: Mueller Offers Immunity To Clinton Crony

Tony Podesta has been offered immunity to testify in the Manafort case. 

The Daily Caller reports: 

Special counsel Robert Mueller has offered Clinton-connected superlobbyist Tony Podesta immunity in order to testify against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, according to Fox News host Tucker Carlson.“Tonight we can report exclusively based on two separate sources we spoke to today that Tony Podesta has been offered immunity by Robert Mueller to testify against Paul Manafort,” reported Carlson.

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Podesta, whose brother is Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, worked with Manafort’s consulting firm in 2012 on a project to help a Ukrainian non-profit group that supported then-Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych.Manafort has been indicted on numerous counts of conspiracy and fraud related to the work, which ended two years before the longtime Republican operative joined the Trump campaign. Both Manafort and Podesta’s now-defunct lobbying firm, the Podesta Group, retroactively registered in 2017 with the Department of Justice as foreign agents of Ukraine.

Mueller’s prosecutors informed a federal judge Tuesday in Virginia, where Manafort is set to go to trial, that five witnesses would be granted immunity in order to compel them to testify. The five witnesses had indicated they would invoke their Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination.

The Daily Caller has not confirmed the story, and are taking the Fox hosts’ source at their word, with that qualification. If true, it would be yet another time that a Clinton ally had received immunity, only this time at the expense of someone with ties to President Trump. The move would look highly suspicious, as it would send the signal that the government is only interested in Republican involvement with Russian interference, but seems to ignore Democrat involvement. Podesta was the chair of the Clinton campaign and is very connected inside the Washington swamp. 

RELATED:  Mueller Indicts 12 Russians


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